19 June 2010

in ten years.

Jen from It's a Jen's Life gave me my second blog award a bit over a week ago... It's called the "You're Going Places, Baby!" award. :) And the rules are just to share where I see myself being in 10 years.

And Jen, I REALLY don't know why you gave this to me, because I'm pretty sure this post will go on FOREVER.


But here we go. :)

I want to be a mommy. And I really hope I have at least three children by ten years from now. I'll be thirty-three by then... one would think I could adopt 3 children by then. :) Hopefully two girls and a boy (named Isabelle, Arianne, and Daniel/Caleb? Please? I would love to have a Bella, an Ari, and a Danny/Caleb!), but I'm up to whatever Jesus decides. :) (Of course, after this, I still want two more kids, so I'd have two boys and three girls total, haha.)

I want to have started a knitting ministry. I don't know if it will include more than me or not, but I want to knit lots of scarves and hats and possibly gloves and blankets, and send them all over the world to those that need them, particularly homeless shelters here in America and orphanages in Europe and China (South America and Africa, too, I suppose, but I still can't picture people in Quito, Ecuador, needing scarves, mittens, and hats to keep them warm).

I want to have started some ministry helping orphans. I don't yet know what it is, but I want to stand up for orphans, somehow, and bring more awareness to their needs, and to help them find homes... I'm not sure how to do that, though. haha.

I want to have started traveling across the country with Christian musicians/bands, preaching the Gospel of Jesus. Is it a crazy dream? Of course it is. But that's part of the appeal. haha.

I hopefully will have already spent a year or two in Europe, as a missionary. In an orphanage, teaching English, ministering through a church, preaching, I don't care. I just really want to be able to go.

I want to be a foster mom. Yeah, I know. I already have plans to have five children that are either adopted or my own children. But yes, I most definitely do want to have several foster kids on top of that. Am I crazy? You could say that.


And hopefully, I will have already gotten AT LEAST two of my novels published.

Also, I want to be pretty involved in the Cradle Roll class at my church (for newborns to 4-year-olds), I want to be the most amazing aunt in the world to my brother and sisters' future children, I want to visit my mom and dad every week, I want to sponsor my own Compassion International child (hopefully a very little girlie), continue to give money to help really great causes (Compassion International and Mocha Club and the WordFM are my three favorites!), help out with VBS every summer, be happily married to a very awesome man (I would love it if his name was Daniel, Charles, Micah, Josiah, Joseph, Jack, or Noah... and David would be okay, too... but now I'm just being picky! lol).

I want to be involved in the youth ministry at my church... I want to preach at my church on occasion. I want to be able to still be in contact with some very dear friends of mine right now, and to be able to mentor their future (and current) children in the way of the Lord, I want to be depression free, OCD-free, the best novelist I can be, and ALWAYS dreaming of helping someone else.

Okay... I guess I can see why Jen nominated me for this award. haha. Maybe I dream TOO much. hahahaha.

And I don't even know if I want to be doing all that, but there is SO much I want to do to help the world, and I want the world to know Jesus, and I want to stand up for Him... and I want to rescue lots of hurting people.

PLEASEEEEE let it be so!!!

Okay, I'm supposed to nominate ten people now... but since I don't really follow 10 blogs, even, I don't think... so I'll just nominate a few people. :)

Paige at bp blog;
Amelie at Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie
Ashley at .:Curiously Strong:.

And I think that's it.

If you were brave enough to read all that, I applaud you.


Have a good weekend, everybody! :)

Ash the (Nostalgic) Dreamer


beka said...

First, I like your long list:)
Second, I loooove your new blog background. It's amazing. Dark, contemplative, natural...I like it a lot:)

Amélie said...

Thanks for the nomination :D
I like this blog a lot. Knowing you I think you can achieve whatever you want in ten years :)

Ash the Dreamer said...

Aw, thanks, Amelie! :) You're so sweet. I just don't know if I WANT to be doing all that--I think my life would be CRAZY! haha.

And Beka, thanks about my background... I love it, too! :) I didn't pass the award onto you since I saw that Jen did--did you post your reply yet? I've been too busy with my summer Spanish class to be on blogger all too much. :/

Anglican Mama said...

Haha, I knew you'd have some good ones! Such wonderful dreams--keep dreaming of the woman you want to be, Ash. :) You know the hymn "On Christ the solid rock I stand..."
My favorite line is the 1st one: My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness / I dare not trust the sweetest frain, but wholly lean on Jesus' name...

Just build your hope on Him, your Rock. <3